
Echinacea is particularly effective in preventing upper respiratory tract infections. Therefore, it is recommended to use it:

From the first symptoms of a cold or any other ENT infection (flu, sinusitis, etc.)

In case of temporary fatigue, especially during a change of season

In autumn, to prepare the body to defend itself against the ills of winter

To relieve symptoms of a cold or reduce the intensity of flu-like illnesses

How to take echinacea

The dosage of echinacea varies depending on the product:

As an infusion, 3 cups per day: 1.5 g of echinacea for 150 ml of hot water. Leave to infuse for ten minutes.

As a mother tincture: 3 to 4 ml per day in 3 doses or according to the advice of the herbalist.

Side effects

Some slight side effects may appear, particularly in the event of an overdose: nausea, vomiting, dizziness, etc.

50g | 30 infusions

The indications given are not for therapeutic purposes but for informational purposes. They are based on the traditional uses of plants in herbalism. They are in no way equivalent to a medical prescription and cannot replace a prescription. To confirm the uses of this product, please seek advice from a healthcare professional.

If you do not have the necessary knowledge to use medicinal plants safely, we recommend that you subscribe to the Apothecary and or follow professional training in herbalism or consult a professional