

Lemon essential oil (citrus limonum) is one of our essentials! It is used to combat winter ailments, fatigue, skin problems and cellulite. It relieves pain, facilitates digestion and disinfects the premises.

Lemon essential oil is above all a most formidable disinfectant. It is used to fight against winter illnesses and strengthens the immune system.

Lemon essential oil contributes to the sanitation of premises and prevents epidemics, infectious and contagious diseases. Energizing at the start of the day and calming in the evening, it acts on energy, concentration and fatigue.

It is useful in relieving skin problems such as rashes, warts, blackheads and oily skin.

Lemon essential oil is blood thinning, draining and decongestant. It is a formidable weapon against cellulite, phlebitis and the feeling of heavy legs. Anti-inflammatory, it relieves pain due to arthritis and rheumatism. And finally, lemon essential oil facilitates digestion.

You can use it in your diffuser to purify the air, and in your household water too: it leaves a superb fresh smell in the house.

Our lemon essential oil is a top quality oil, 100% pure, obtained by cold pressing aromatic substances contained in the peel of the fruit.

If you do not have the necessary knowledge to use essential oils safely, we strongly recommend that you consult a professional or follow our aromatherapy training

10ml and 50ml